Saturday, 18 May 2013

Red sky at night...

My Dad has taught me a lot of useful things in life but it's the funny one liners that stay with me. He has quite a repertoire and I am still coming across the sources of some of them. My husband had never heard of the classic 'red sky at night, shepherd's hut's on fire!'

Just in case you are with my husband on this one the correct version is; 'red sky at night, shepherd's delight, red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning.' An old saying relating to the impending weather. Naturally I can't see a sunset without thinking of my Dad's version.

This is the fantastic sky photographed from our deck the night before last. I was rather hoping for the same tonight and the promise of a warm day for tomorrow's cricket match. Oh well, the blankets are packed.


  1. hope it stays dry. we had so much rain yesterday you could have played water polo not cricket........

  2. It's dry here - so far! Fantastic photo x Jane
