Monday, 21 October 2013

before the rain...

I'm so glad we went for a lovely sunny walk yesterday before the heavens opened. It is torrential here in Lincolnshire today. No walk is complete without taking home a little of nature's treasure. I couldn't resist a pocket full of shiny conkers.

It's a lovely peaceful walk, the old coach road, only known to locals and a much better option for us than the very popular nature reserve down the road. Harvey doesn't really bother other people or other dogs but I always worry that he'll take a shine to someone and place his large muddy paws on a clean pair of trousers. You never know.

It's a shame this walk is littered with odd car parts. This piece was at least half a mile in from the road.

Loved the autumn colours.

...and mission accomplished, we wore the dog out. We thought he'd vanished but when we caught up with him he was having a crafty rest on a pile of soft leaves. I always thought Spaniels went on forever, not this one.

It's going to be a restful half term. We are hamster sitting while their owners are sunning themselves in Spain. J is football training at the ground of his favourite local football team. E is mainly sleeping, 'cause that's what teenagers seem to do/need. M is stripping wallpaper in the kitchen. I am making tea and dreaming of a new kitchen with an oven that works and a cooling tray of large oaty gluten free cookies. Dream on.

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