Saturday, 8 March 2014


Sometimes a day without plans just falls into place. A little wool winding, a few mugs of tea, a bit of finishing off here and a little casting on there...a long rambling walk, bringing two bedraggled pond stinking dogs home, more tea, diving into a box marked 'superchunky', a little more crochet...and finally a rustic stool made comfy and cosy...

It was a wing it and and see what happens kind of plan for the cover. I started by unravelling the skinny scarf that was my first ever knitting project. That's the natural colour in the centre with the blue running through it.

To create the change from top to sides I did just one cluster instead of two with a chain two between. Superchunky works up fast but also eats yarn fast too so I had to use up odds and ends as I went. It doesn't show up in these pics but there are five colours in this seat cover. One down three to go!


  1. Sometimes the best ideas come when you are least expecting them - the stool looks fab! Sounds like you've had the best of days - I've had a similar one but without the 'pond dogs'! Enjoy the rest of the weekend x Jane

  2. Love it Juanita ! A really pretty makeover.
    Kate x
