I feel like I have earned the right to sit down today! Yesterday I donned my lumberjack shirt and lugged bits of felled tree into my car and drove several loads to the local tip. Note that husband has no regard for the felt roof in my old jeep but goes berserk if we so much as touch the roof in his. My car is looking worse for wear and will probably never be rid of conifer bits and pieces.
I think I mentioned before that my car should really have a sign on it saying, Juanita's Property Maintenance Services. Letting a property is seriously stressful and nothing surprises me anymore. You think you are a good judge of people and it turns out you are not. We have just spent the best part of a month putting right what the last occupants did to the property.
Actually it is all hands on deck when it comes to it. Mum and Dad do lots too. Dad is particularly meticulous when it comes to lawn mowing. Mum and I clean and do the cosmetic touches. M fixes broken things. This time round we have painted the whole house which is something I don't want to have to do again in a hurry.
Other news this week; driving around the countryside using up lots of expensive fuel in an attempt to play several cricket matches which the opposing teams didn't turn up to because they thought it was on another day. Not very impressed with the organisation. Probably a good idea to hand the reins over to a woman next year.
Very quiet this week because E is away on a school trip. J has been lapping up the one to one attention and taking liberties with indoor cricket every time my back is turned. Honestly, I've lost a child this week and gained one. Three times in one week I have told my husband to grow up. Futile.
So, it is gloriously sunny if a little breezy today. The dog is by my feet, the cat is nearby in a patch of sun. My latest charity shop basket (I can never leave one behind) is packed with J's blanket in progress and my latest book. Tea is in the pot and apart from aching from head to toe (lumberjack) I am feeling very content. The hoovering can wait. Crochet here we go!
P.S. Best book I have read this year; The Glass Palace. Worst book I have read this year; The Wilding.