Sunday, 3 April 2016

Off the hook... Penelope Bear

The hedgehog morphed into a bear! I couldn't face all those prickly bits and I wasn't too sure the colours I had available would look quite right. So Penelope Bear was a happy accident. Just don't mention her hedgehog DNA. She can get a bit prickly on certain subjects.

We've had a beautiful spring day here in Lincolnshire. The doors and windows were flung open for an much fresh air as possible. The dogs reclined on an old blanket on the deck. I briefly wished I was a dog with nothing more important to do than lie in the sun. Alas the laundry doesn't sort itself out.

I keep saying I'm done with the menagerie for now and then another animal springs to life. This time I think I really am done with them. Initially I just wanted to make the zebra, lion and elephant but five toys later and I haven't done the animals that attracted me to the range in the first place. They will have to wait until I get another urge to make toys. I much prefer to go where my mood takes me and at the moment I seem to have another desire to explore textured stitches.

Stop press: Penelope just had a close encounter with a furry fiend of the four legged variety. I won't mention names but Riley was looking rather sheepish. Let's just say Penelope had a very lucky escape.


  1. I think Penelope Bear looks very impressive, glad to hear she is safe from a furry admirer.

  2. Penelope looks gorgeous! I'm so glad she escaped without harm.
