Monday 25 August 2014

Dogs and dust busting...

Well we may not have fields of golden sunflowers and intense heat but we do have plenty of soggy fields of golden wheat. The dogs have been reacquainting themselves with the local fields after a two week break whilst we were in Italy and a week spent in Suffolk for the cricket festival. There were piles of leftover wheat across the footpath about a foot high so they bounded along jumping every few seconds. That's not what Riley is doing in that last photo, no, he's just getting in the way of Harvey posing in the cut wheat! They had a ball.

For some reason (planets aligning perhaps) I feel an overwhelming urge to sort and spring clean. I'm not counting on that feeling lasting too long but I have completed the first room in our small abode. I've sucked up the million spiders that moved into the conservatory whilst we were away. I've thrown a large number of diving dvd's in the bin (don't tell M, but honestly who sits through ten films of diving exploits? not m anymore, that's for sure!) I've cleaned all 28 panels of window. Boring.

I've hoovered all parts of the sofas, and discovered chocolate wrappers down the side of M's spot, which he strongly denied were his. Seeing as the children rarely join us for tv these days I think his denial has weak grounds. I've cleaned both sofas with some special leather spray cleaner thing. I've washed all cushion covers and donated the large floor cushions to the dogs so that the sofas are spared. Riley loves his and Harvey is not so sure, he prefers to stretch out rather than curl up.

I've donated films and cd's to charity and I've emptied the tonne of Brio train track that was stored in our coffee table/pine chest so that we now have somewhere for the board games we mainly only play at Christmas. In short, the room now only has stuff that we need/use in it, plus the cobwebs have gone. It was the easiest room in the house to start with but still took a whole day. The dreaded dining room is next. Two million books need sorting through (well give or take a few).

I may need to start a new crochet project just for the tea breaks.


  1. Wow you've been busy! You deserve a new project and some cake after all that.

  2. Good for you. It feels good to clean and de-clutter, doesn't it? I actually kind of enjoy it. I know I'm easily entertained, but still, it's nice. :)

  3. That sounds good, my house could do with that too! Perhaps the cleaning could come in the breaks from the crochet!
