Friday, 8 November 2013

Road to nowhere...

What a glorious morning! I'm introducing Riley to all our favourite routes and today we did the long one that goes across quite a few fields then comes out on this farm track. The track eventually leads to our very own nature reserve which is quite remote by this stage, which is how I like it when the dogs are covered from head to toe in wet mud.

I turned back at the edge of the reserve today because I've gone down with a stinking nasty cold. Unfortunately someone else decided on a nice walk up to the nature reserve today and she was rather smartly dressed in a nice tweed jacket. I knew the dogs wouldn't bother her or bark but they did race by at 90 miles an hour and sprayed up a bit of mud. She didn't seem too disturbed thank goodness.

At one point in the walk I tried to get them to both sit for a photo. No chance. So this is Riley having a good sniff in the field...

...and this is Harvey complete with mud coloured undercarriage. Springers are best photographed when they are asleep.

...and this is my substitute beach combing, field treasure! I've got quite a collection of these fragments now. I really must set them into something.

My trip to Sussex is on hold until next week. Right now I just want to hibernate until the cold is gone. My concentration span is zilch so I'm not even crocheting.

The last wall is being plastered today. It means we can have a good sweep up and wipe down later. It's been pretty stressful this stage. Very difficult to stop the dust being trodden through the house, but I have the end in mind and I know it will all be worth it.

Harvey and Riley will have to have a bath later. Usually the last swim of the walk gets rid of the mud but today it didn't. I'm sure Harvey would agree that it was worth it. About to find out what Riley thinks of having a shower!

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